WinEdt Support
Your first reference for installing, operating and basic troubleshooting issues in WinEdt should be the Quick Guide.
WinEdt's Menu contains plenty of useful commands, and many are associated with Shortcuts. If you are new to WinEdt it is strongly recommended that you take your time and "walk" through the menu. If you don't know what is there you won't know how to use it. For example, it is easy to move a selected block of text left or right or insert or remove comments in front of selected lines. It also easy to toggle Upper/ Lower Case, etc... The default Edit menu contains items like this and the most commonly used of them are associated with simple keyboard shortcuts.
Useful Tips: WinEdt's default settings are a compromise, prepared with an average user in mind. Here is what you should know before you start customizing it to your particular needs and preferences:
- Preferences Dialog allows you to make easy choices pertaining to Wrapping, Unicode, Backup, etc... Help in the dialog explains the meaning of all available options.
- Execution Modes Dialog (Options Menu) can be used to fine-tune or diagnose/troubleshoot WinEdt's integration with your TeX System and other accessories. The dialog comes with an extensive context-sensitive help that will guide you (if necessary).
- Depending on your intended use of the program and the size of your screen you can choose from a variety of predefined (one or two-row) toolbars from the Options -> Toolbar Menu.
- Before you start customizing WinEdt's Configuration Scripts (Options Interface), please read the first page of the Configuration Manual in WinEdt's Help (F1). Neglecting to follow this advice and assuming that your customizations are processed upon restarting WinEdt will result in unnecessary and self-inflicted frustration!
WinEdt's built-in Help is a valuable resource in seeking support. The Help manual reflects WinEdt's current functionality and is complemented by the topic-specific help available through the associated wizards and dialogs. In particular, WinEdt's Configuration Wizard and Execution Modes Dialog (both in the Options Menu) may very well guide you in resolving your problem! Also, consider carefully whether the problem is actually WinEdt-related and not a purely TeX question, in which case it should be posted to the appropriate forum such as the TeX Newsgroup or TeX Stackexchange. If after consulting the relevant documentation you are still unable to resolve a WinEdt-related issue, you can send a support request to; however, you will have to be patient because we have to deal with many such questions every day and sometimes it is impossible to keep up with the flow.
If you believe that you have stumbled upon a "bug" in WinEdt please describe in detail how to reproduce the problem and include as many details concerning your deviation from the default settings as possible. This way the bug can be isolated and fixed without extensive and time-consuming correspondence and days of frustrating experiments while trying to reproduce a problem on our side. Users often report as a "bug" an option in the default settings that is not set to their liking; this can be easily customized on user's part and remember: one user's bug another one's feature!
When you are asking for help you should mention the version and build of your instance of WinEdt as displayed in WinEdt's Help/About WinEdt Dialog.
Build: yyyymmdd (v. X.x) is the relevant information uniquely identifying your version of WinEdt (note that the build indicates the "year-month-day" format of the date when this instance of WinEdt was compiled):
You should also describe your problem in details including your Windows and (when relevant) your TeX System. You are more likely to receive a good advice if you provide the relevant information. Finally, avoid misrepresenting the situation: think twice if the error is reported by WinEdt or by TeX. Most errors about missing or misplaced sty or bib files or unknown graphics formats are reported by the compiler and not by WinEdt.
Whenever possible you should avoid sending e-mail attachments (screen-shots or other large [graphics] files). They are seldom relevant to the problem you are experiencing. We will let you know if and when such information is needed to diagnose or fix a problem.
New: WinEdt Discussion Forum on GitHub
A public discussion forum for WinEdt-related issues can be found on GitHub: those who are not familiar with GitHub:
GitHub is a powerful modern online platform that can be used for code sharing and collaboration, issue tracking, Wiki Docs, and more... The new WinEdt discussion forum is the first step. More GitHub features will be enabled by WinEdt-Team in the future as the need arises.
NOTE: The old WinEdt Mailing List has been discontinued with the retirement of an obsolete mail server hosting it for over 25 years (until February 2024). GitHub repository is a new venue for WinEdt-related discussions. Check it out!
Professional LaTeX support
Ulrike Fischer is offering, for an appropriate fee, professional support for all sorts of LaTeX-related problems:
If you need assistance with LaTeX typesetting issues, and you cannot get help on TeX public forums, you are strongly advised to contact her for a timely solutions for your TeX-related problem(s)...