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What's New?

WinEdt 11.2 is now the official version of the program. Below you will find the changes log pertaining to the latest version and build of WinEdt...

* WinEdt News.txt
* -*- ASCII -*-
Last modified on Monday, April 15, 2024  12:10

WinEdt 11 is a Unicode (UTF-8) text editor built on WinEdt 10
sources and compiled with Delphi 12 (Professional).


WinEdt 11 is installed parallel to WinEdt 10 (or older) and you can
continue to use an older version of WinEdt and possibly uninstall
WinEdt 11 if you prefer the old version.

NOTE: This version was developed and extensively tested on Windows
11 and 10! It may (or may not) run on older Windows (with some
restrictions) but it has been optimized for these two platforms.
Furthermore, only 64-bit versions of new WinEdt releases will be
available from here on...

REGISTRATION: WinEdt 11 series uses a different registration data
than the previous versions. If you already have a license for
WinEdt 10 you will have to purchase an upgrade from www.winedt.com.
Upon request (e-mail: support@winedt.com) the registration fee will
be waived for users who purchased a license within the last two

UPGRADING from the previous version of WinEdt 11:

If you already have WinEdt 11 install the new version over the old
one, execute the Options -> Maintenance -> Upgrade Local...
command, and restart WinEdt. That's all...

UPGRADING from WinEdt 10:

If you are currently using WinEdt 10 the following settings are
automatically imported when you install WinEdt 11 on the same
computer (with the default user profiles enabled):

  - Your User Dictionary
  - Your WinEdt project(s)

I decided against automatic importing of the rest (including):

  - Private Settings (Private.ini)
  - Preferences (Dialog Settings) -- not recommended

Here is why: many users were performing "automatic" upgrades from
version 7 on. They may not be aware of the fact that (after a
decade or more) their settings are a hybrid of legacy and new items
and this can (and does) result in all kinds of problems that are
hard to diagnose and fix. For this major release, it was time to
temporarily pull the plug on "automatic" upgrades. Your
customizations will have to be imported manually. WinEdt 11.x will
be around for many years and automatic upgrades from here on will
be easy. However, this time the compatibility with old and legacy
settings is not a priority.

Read the rest of this document to see what has changed in the
default settings for WinEdt 11. You will find some hints on how to
proceed with manually (and selectively) importing your old
settings. It can all be done...


WinEdt 11 [Build 20240413 (v. 11.2)] (Beta Version)

- Both WinEdt and WinEdtPDF now save their internal data in a "safe
manner" to avoid corrupted configuration files if the program is
closed during automatic Windows upgrades. Previous versions could
sometimes end up with partially saved (corrupted) settings which
(in a few cases) resulted in problems when WinEdt was restarted.

- Some changes were made to the default menu. Most notably, the TeX
menu has been reorganized to group "DVI & PS Apps" in a submenu and
put (more commonly used) PDF compilers directly in the TeX Menu.
Some minor changes were also made to the default 1-row toolbars.
During beta testing, it will be decided what changes should be
imported into customized menus and toolbars (probably it is best to
leave user-customized menus and toolbar alone and let users decide
if they want to manually import any of the default changes into
their customized local settings). No major incompatibilities were
introduced in the process. Everything (and more) is there but it is
grouped differently to reflect how most users use TeX compilers and
converters these days... Changes are subject to some feedback
during beta testing when they can be finalized and any
unintentional incompatibilities can be pointed out and addressed
(or explained) before the official release.

These changes were done reluctantly as they are bound to result in
some complaints from old users. But again, for those who want
everything exactly as is: there is no need to upgrade!

- WinEdt Help has been updated with the recent changes and new
images taken on 144dpi. The help file size has increased but so has
the quality of the screenshots.

- The Zoom (Font Size) Panel in the Status Bar now responds to:
    Ctrl+Shift+Click as Zoom In
    Ctrl+Click       as Zoom Out
    Click            as Reset Font Zoom

- The Console and other forms on the bottom of the screen should
not be subject to font zooming. The defaults now use FONT_MODE=3
instead of FONT_MODE=1 for these forms (with Consolas 10 as the
default font) in the [FORMS] configuration section. This also works
better for those who use large variable-width fonts for their

- Goto Line Dialog (Ctrl+G) now has an option "Select Scope" to
select the text between the current line and the destination
(including the destination).

- The Options -> Toolbar submenu now contains items to choose the
size of the main toolbar buttons and icons (Small, Large, and Huge
Icons). This could always be done by modifying Images.ini but some
users found that too intimidating and the predefined choices would
make it easier for simple users to accomplish the task. The images
are automatically resized (as required) and saved in the Local
settings. The first time it may take a few seconds to generate the
image resources for the selected size. The default Images.ini has
been simplified to make this possible but users can use their
customized settings as before.

- The Tools Menu now contains an interface for Quick Cleanup (also
available in the drop-down portion of the Erase Working Files
toolbar button). It does the same as Erase Working Files (without a

- The Underline font attribute has been added (next to the existing
emphasize, bold...) to the default Insert Font Menu (and associated
toolbar items).

- The [FORMS] section now allows extra options to specify extra
Caption Font and Title Bar Height:


  // Docked Caption Font and Title Bar (extra height)

- The [DOCUMENT_LIST] section allows extra font height
specification for the font used in the list of documents:

  EXTRA_TEXT_SIZE=1        // Extra Font Size in the Document List

- WinEdtPDF Manual has been added to the default (downloadable)
Document Samples. It illustrates how to use open font with LuaLaTeX
and how to use pragma comments for universal compilation with
LuaLaTeX (regardless of the default PDFTeXify TeX Engine
specification in the Execution Modes):

  %% ========================================
  % !Mode:: "TeX:EN:Soft:UTF-8"
  % Default Compile engines:
  % !TEX program = lualatex
  % !PDFTeXify engine = lualatex
  % !BIB = NONE
  %% ========================================
  \usepackage{fontspec} % xelatex and lualatex

- The Help menu has a new item to visit the new WinEdt's Discussion
(and support) public forum on GitHub. Furthermore, the LaTeX Help
Book has been removed from the defaults as it was too obsolete and
misleading (compiled in the 1990s when LaTeX was very different).

- A few changes (hopefully improvements) to WinEdt's Compile Macros
have been implemented for this version. Pay attention to any
unwanted consequences since WinEdt no longer deletes (old) pdf and
log files before compilation. Most users will not notice...

- WinEdt now also reports BibTeX Result after executing [PDF]TeXify
when the option "Show Report" in the Execution Dialog is enabled
for BibTeX. For example:

 PDFTeXify Compilation Report (Pages: 65)
 LaTeX (lualatex.exe) Result:  Errors: 0,  Warnings: 0,  Bad Boxes: 0
 BibTeX (biber.exe) Result:  Errors: 0,  Warnings: 0

- New macros to help with installing extras (e.g. dictionaries,
samples...) or updates from winedt.com:

  WebGet("Url/file","Destination",Info_Register: -11..9);
  UnzipFolder("Src zip archive","Destination Folder",Info_register: -11..9);
  ZipFolder("Src Folder","Destination zip file",Info_register: -11..9);

If non-zero the Info_register receives an error or success message
(IfOK can be used to detect errors).

Previous versions relied on Windows PowerShell to perform such

- A new macro to control reliable Zoom functions:

  SetExtraTextSize(extra_size: -99..99);

- A new [FONT] property to specify extra font size (as used by the
zooming functions):


- Variables that return fonts size (as used by the zooming
functions and status bar):

  %!S - extra font size value
  %!s - current document's font size value
        (after extra size is applied)

- Downloadable Configuration components that are used in the
default settings (like dictionaries, samples, R-Manager,...) have
been moved from winedt.org to winedt.com. The neglected WinEdt.org
will be eventually discontinued (to reduce web-hosting expenses)...
Such components should be maintained on the GitHub repository (by
more than one user) or else they will eventually disappear together
with WinEdt.org. Volunteers needed!

- The default font for Tree forms has been changed from Tahoma (8)
to a slightly larger and more "modern looking" font Segue UI (9).
This can be adjusted in the [FORMS] configuration section. The
following code in Private.ini restores the previous default


    // Default Windows Font

  OPTIONS="Options Interface"
    // Default Windows Font

- Default settings now use Gradient painting for the left panel,
right margin, and current line background. If you prefer plain
backgrounds you can adjust them in the Highlighting Effects
configuration section or you can put this in your Private.ini:


  // 0 = OFF; 1=Allow Left Panel; 2=Allow Left Panel and Window Background
  // 0=OFF; 1=Plain; 2=Gradient
  // 0=OFF; 1=Plain; 2=Gradient

This can also be adjusted in the Preferences| Highlighting

- MUI is now working properly with higher dpi (mostly thanks to
changes in Delphi's handling of dpi-dependent form properties). To
properly size dialogs MUI macros should use client coordinates
because the borders and title bar sizes change between different
versions of Windows and this can result in clipped contents. For
example, if the interface was created at 96dpi a dpi-aware MUI
should specify (something like):

  MUIReset('Include Graphics',96);

  // Main Form Size and Position
  MUISet('','client width','400');
  MUISet('','client height','300');
  MUISet('','position','1'); // Main Form Center

- The (obsolete) Concurrent License Monitor has been completely
removed from WinEdt (together with the macro ShowLicenseMonitor).
Organizations that monitor license usage have better software to do
the job across all their licenses and there is no need for this
unreliable custom feature in new versions of WinEdt...

- WinEdtPDF can now handle password-protected PDF documents. It
will prompt you for a password and you have an option to "remember
the password for this document". Furthermore, the Document The
properties dialog displays restricted permissions (when applied)
and it has a button to "forget password" if it was stored.

- WinEdtPDF can now parse x:xmpmeta section of the pdf file to
display meta tags that are only included in this XML section in
Document Properties Dialog.

- WinEdtPDF custom SyncTeX parser has been improved to handle some
anomalies that are occasionally put in a synctex file (mostly by
the LuaLaTeX engine). Previous versions could select the wrong page
under certain conditions...

- This version is compiled with a new Delphi 12 compiler. The
appearance of some controls and MDI Windows has changed with the
new compiler. Also, dpi-awareness now works better for most users.
In any case, there is no going back!

- WinEdt Installer now has an option to create a Portable
Installation. It is similar to the Private Installation but it does
not create an uninstaller, it does not modify Windows Registry, and
it does not create a user profile. The local settings are
maintained inside the Local folder in the installation directory...

- A few performance issues and some (minor) bugs have been
addressed for this version...


WinEdt 11 [Build 20230519 (v. 11.1)] (Official Release)

- The (Options ->) Themes submenu has been revised to make it
easier for interested users to customize the themes and create new
ones. In the previous build the procedure was too complicated and
most users failed to figure out how to perform customizations
without modifying the global colors.

- A few minor fixes and improvements to WinEdt and its PDF Viewer
have been implemented for this build...


WinEdt 11 [Build 20230301 (v. 11.1)] (Official Release)

- WinEdt 11.1 and its PDF Viewer are compiled with a brand new
(dpi-aware) Delphi 11.3.

- WinEdt now comes with eye-friendly dark mode themes (see the
Options Menu). They change the appearance of docked forms and
controls (including the Tree, Status Line, and Toolbars). This
looks much better that the previous versions that only changed the
edit window and text. A lot of work (more than two months) was
required to make this work: custom painting had to be implemented
for many VCL classes. Some feedback regarding the default colors
used for highlighting may be required to make the dark mode better
and more consistent. You can choose between high contrast and
solarized light and dark themes with different backgrounds and text

The old Colors.ini configuration file cannot be used with the new
version. Dozens of new named colors were introduced to make
theme-aware (custom) painting of controls possible. During
upgrading WinEdt will copy the old customized Colors.ini (if it
exists) in subdirectory %b\ConfigEx\Old and replace it with the new
default one. A few other local configuration files (if they have
been customized) will be automatically updated with the new
theme-dependent color schemes:


At the moment the menus and scrollbars do not adapt to the dark
mode. They will (in the future) once this is possible without too
much custom code or third-party style libraries. Even so, the dark
themes already look much better than before and most colors are

- Both apps (WinEdt and WinEdtPDF) now use eco throttling to reduce
their CPU consumption. Furthermore, they reduced their reliance on
timers to detect external changes in document status. This should
not affect any existing functionality while it saves some latent
CPU usage when there is no need to perform such background actions
(especially with many opened files).

- WinEdtPDF now has a new option to disable status detection with a
timer. This makes it more eco-friendly. When enabled the document
status will (temporarily) change during the compilation and a
document will automatically update after the compilation is
finished. The choice is yours...

- The toolbar in WinEdtPDF is now customizable through the
Preferences Dialog. Among other things, it is possible to place the
items related to Search in the toolbar. The updated Manual explains
how to proceed with your customizations...

- WinEdt and WinEdtPDF now provide a custom response for
auto-scrolling with the middle mouse button (including custom
transparent cursors for this functionality).

- A new event handler that is executed when WinEdt is activated
(put in the foreground). This is a good time to check if any files
have been (re)moved or externally modified (e.g. by a Git pull) and
offer an option to deal with such situations:

    // Executed when WinEdt is (re)activated:
    // Detect externally modified files etc...

- New macros have been introduced for this purpose:

    CloseNonExistentDocs(Confirm: #0..1);
    UpdateExModifiedDocs(Confirm: #0..1);

This is how they are used in the default activation event handler

  // Application Activate Event Handler


  // Update non-Existent Externally Modified Documents Properties


    // Check if any documents have been modified or locked....

    // Depending on how you use WinEdt you can enable these actions:
    // CloseNonExistentDocs(1); // Prompt: 0..1
    // UpdateExModifiedDocs(1); // Prompt: 0..1

  :Done:: =========================================================



- Auto-complete form in WinEdt now responds to right-click with a
popup menu that has an option to "lock its window size". Enabling
this option eliminates the border but you will not be able to
resize the form until you disable the "lock". The form looks better
(and obscures less text) without a border and there is little need
for frequent resizing. The choice is yours.

- WinEdt Spell Options Dialog now offers an extra option to limit
the scope to all currently opened project documents. You can also
filter files to which spell checking applies by type or mode (just
like Find in Files Dialog). These options are ignored unless you
specify "All Opened Documents" as the scope.

- Extra graphic resources suitable for up to 400% magnification are
now included with WinEdt. This makes WinEdt download a few MB
larger but high resolutions like this are becoming a reality...

- I received a few suggestions that the "International" section of
TeX Symbols interface should insert actual Unicode characters
rather than TeX markup notation (e.g. insert à instead of \`{a}).
Not many users know that this is already possible if you hold the
Ctrl key while pressing a button with definitions like this in


If you want to reverse and have Unicode as default and TeX notation
associated with Ctrl Key the macro has to be changed to:


RegEx Replace All will do the job:

  Search: \(0!\|Chr(*);\)\|,\(1*);\)
  Replace: \1|,\0

And the inverse:

  Search: \(0!\|Ins(*);\)\|,\(1*);\)
  Replace: \1|,\0

will restore it... The choice is yours.

- Improvements, minor bug-fixes, and optimizations were made to
WinEdt and WinEdtPDF (compiled for and tested with the latest
PDFium library). Dpi-awareness and screen refreshing have been
improved and optimized for this version.

- WinEdt web pages and Quick Guide have been revised and updated...


WinEdt 11 [Build 20220524 (v. 11.0)] (Official Release)

- A few minor bugs have been addressed for this build.

- WinEdt Greek Page of TeX Symbols GUI Control has been slightly
rearranged and it now contains \varkappa symbol...

- WinEdt compilation macros now properly use predefined values for
TEXINPUTS, BIBINPUTS, etc... environment variables. Previous build
disregarded such values which could result in problems during the

- WinEdt now detects LaTeX3 and Module Warnings produced by LaTeX
which were previously ignored (changes were made to Errors.ini).

- WinEdtPDF now uses a custom cursor for panning (grab hand as is
the case in other previewers). Its icon now contains large and
extra large image instances. Improvements have been made to
scrolling, zooming, and mouse interface (for those that notice such

- WinEdtPDF now properly renders and prints landscape pages (for
example created with pdflscape package).

- Printing dialog in WinEdtPDF now properly uses multiple copies
option (in the previous build it was not passed to the printer and
it had no effect)...

- WinEdt 11 now comes with support for RManager (you have to
execute the menu command Options -> Configuration -> RManager to
download and install the required additional files). Adding toolbar
buttons is optional and has to be done manually. After installing
RManager you will see the instructions on how to proceed with
additional tasks... The configuration is based on the existing
RManager from winedt.org: no changes were made to the execution
flow or the R menu items and toolbar buttons. The only difference
is that now all RManager files are located inside %b\RManager
folder (rather than being copied into %b\Exec, %b\Macros, etc...).

  If you have already modified the Main Menu you have to insert the
  following at the end of the Options -> Configurations Submenu:


  After reloading the MainMenu.ini you will get the item to install
  RManager Configuration...

- WinEdt default settings now provide support for nomenclature
packages (previously only available as an extra from WinEdt.org).

- Improvements to the text search functionality in WinEdtPDF: it is
now using a faster and more "TeX-friendly" custom search algorithm.

- Problems with WinEdtPDF on multiple monitors with different
resolutions have been resolved.

- Problems with Back and Forward commands in WinEdtPDF have been
fixed and by default the menu items for them now use the "standard"
Alt+Left and Alt+Right shortcuts.

- WinEdtPDF now has a new (advanced) option:

    Load PDF Documents into memory (by default enabled).

Disabling this option saves some memory but it also makes WinEdtPDF
more vulnerable during compilation and it prevents PDF files from
being deleted until they are closed. If you are working with large
pdf files (over 200MB) you may consider disabling this option and
see if this improves the performance.

- Changes to the way WinEdt handles Korean IME (the old input
behavior has been restored).

- WinEdt's documentation and web site has been updated for WinEdt
11 release. More documentation updates are pending...


WinEdt 11 [Build 20220413 (v. 11.0)] Beta - 3

- Rendering and printing in WinEdtPDF has been completely redone
for this version. It now uses custom interface to a single
(up-to-date) PDFium.dll binary library. This makes it much faster
and capable or rendering more sophisticated pdf files (that the
previous version could not handle properly). The manual in
WinEdtPDF explains the details. It also contains all License
Agreements and Disclaimers to comply with the terms of use of this
(open source) PDF library. WinEdtPDF is in good company of other
(well known) applications that rely on the same PDF library.

- Foxit Quick PDF Library (which has been discontinued by Foxit) is
no longer used for this version of WinEdtPDF. PDFium provides all
the required pdf handling functionality (including text extraction
and search). The previewer is now faster and smaller and most users
should experience this transition as an improvement. It was not
completely straightforward to switch to a new library but it had to
be done... Newer versions of this library (as they become
available) will be incorporated into new versions of WinEdtPDF and
one should expect transparent improvements in functionality and
performance in the future.

- A few minor optimizations to WinEdtPDF have been made to further
improve its performance. More such optimizations are planned after
the "official" release for the next version... For now switching to
PDFium rendering solves most of the known problems.

- A few Sumatra-like navigation shortcut alternatives (as demanded
by some users) have been implemented in this version of WinEdtPDF.

- WinEdtPDF now allows zooming and rotating initiated by gestures
on a touch-screen (if available).

- WinEdtPDF now has an option to enable panning (or as some users
call it dragging). This seems to be a standard feature in other PDF
viewers and that's why it is by default enabled (even though I am
not too fond of it). Another option to close a document after
double-clicking on its tab has also been introduced but disabled by
default (some users are accustomed to this functionality from

- Preferences dialog in WinEdtPDF has been slightly rearranged to
accommodate new options and remove a few told ones that no longer
apply with PDFium library now being in charge of text extraction
and search. It is recommended that you enable the Use Threads
option in the Advanced page of this dialog. For example, this will
make loading faster since SyncTeX files are loaded in a background

- When WinEdtPDF is in measuring mode (initiated with "m-function")
Ctrl+Click will reset the origin to the current (cross) cursor
position. The same can be done by pressing "o". Shift+O resets the
origin back to the top-left corner. This makes it easy to measure
relative vertical and horizontal offsets. The default origin
(top-left corner) is in effect when you initiate this function.

- Default shortcuts for Zoom items in WinEdt's Menu have been
changed and they now use Ctrl+Alt qualifier. Previous shortcuts
have been too easy too press by accident resulting in an unwanted
and annoying font size change.

- WinEdt's Status Line panel displaying current font size (affected
by zoom) is now narrower: there is a limited amount of space
available in the status line for such info...

- It is recommended (but not essential) that you uninstall the
previous beta version before installing Beta 3. However, you should
NOT remove your user profile in the uninstall dialog (so that your
local settings and projects remain intact). If you install Beta 3
on top of a previous beta there will be old (no longer used and
unnecessary) PDF dll libraries left in WinEdt's install folder...
The choice is yours (if you are OK with unused binary files or you
are not comfortable with "partial" uninstall).


WinEdt 11 [Build 20220321 (v. 11.0)] Beta - 2

- The property COOLBAR in GUI.ini has been removed and replaced
with a more useful BACKGROUND_COLOR. It is now possible to specify
a custom background color for TeX Symbols in your Private.ini:


  // Use "#RRGGBB" for background color or empty string for default

- Samples, Dictionaries and LaTeXHelpBook could not be
automatically installed for many / most users that do not have
unzip.exe on their PATH. This has now been fixed and WinEdt macros
now use PowerShell to extract archives...

- A few images at high resolution have been modified. For example,
PDF, LUA, XE, or AMS "superscripts" in buttons for TeX compilers
were too small in 48x48 images (and those that were scaled from
them: 20,28,36, and 40).

- WinEdt's View Menu now has Zoom items to increase or decrease the
size of font used by WinEdt's editor windows. Status line displays
the current size in a new panel (just before --src). This
functionality is based on Karl Koeller's DocZoom contribution from
www.winedt.org. A new variable %!s has been introduced to access
the current font size. This significantly simplifies the macros
involved in the process...

I did not add buttons in the default toolbars but this can be
easily done by users that would like them. Adding:


at your preferred toolbar position is all that it takes.

- A small bug in the Main Menu settings that caused the"TeX
Symbols" button to open a sample source instead of showing or
hiding the actual GUI control has been fixed.

- WinEdtPDF now displays documents at actual size regardless of
Windows dpi settings. WinEdt's Wizard displays two resolutions in
its first page. The second one is used by WinEdtPDF in order to
preserve the size of a document on the screen. Most users will not
notice the difference.

- For what it's worth WinEdtPDF now responds to "m" key to display
cursor screen -> page coordinates in a popup edit control. Pressing
"m" repeatedly toggles between units that are used for coordinates
(pt, mm, and in). ESC key should be used to cancel this
functionality and hide the popup.


WinEdt 11 [Build 20220317 (v. 11.0)] Beta - 1

Many changes to WinEdt's appearance and the default settings (as
described below) have been implemented for this version of WinEdt.
No major incompatibilities were introduced in the process (most
WinEdt 10.3 configuration scripts can be loaded in the new version
without any modifications -- but is that a good idea?).

  Some changes were made with new users in mind. If you prefer
  everything as is, stay with your current version of WinEdt:
  if it ain't broke don't fix it!

This release was originally (in 2019) supposed to be a minor
upgrade 10.3 -> 10.4 (with a few bug fixes and small improvements).
However, as many changes to the default settings eventually
accumulated over the last four years (since the version 10.3) it is
better and safer to release it for what it is: a major new release.

Most users will be fine with WinEdt 11 as is. They can make some
minor adjustment in the Preferences Dialog or Execution Modes (if
they encounter a need for change).

Here is how you should proceed with upgrading (if you extensively
modified WinEdt 10): read the rest of this document to see what is
new. Install and run the new version while your WinEdt 10 is still
installed. Now compare the settings in the Preferences Dialog and
Execution Modes Dialogs of both versions. Make changes to the new
version (if and when necessary). You can use the new Dictionary
Manager Dialog to automatically download and install extra
dictionaries from WinEdt.org.

If you have customized your old WinEdt by editing configuration
scripts use the options interface in both versions to compare and
manually import you customizations in WinEdt 11. For some users
(that customized plenty of settings and macros) this may take a day
or two: do it when you have time. It is a one-time task but it will
pay if you want to use the new version as it was intended to be
used for years to come.

Compatibility experiment:

As a (not recommended) experiment I loaded ALL default WinEdt 10.3
configuration scripts (as they are) in the new version. This
completely restored the old appearance except for TeX GUI Symbols
(which could not be loaded because a single set of new bitmaps is
now in a different folder: Bitmaps\TeXGUI).

  I had to modify the old Image Resources (selector for my 288dpi)
  to make it work and then I adjusted some scaling parameters to
  "properly" resize them. I strongly advise against loading the old
  image resources and TeX Symbols (GUI.ini). They have been
  recreated for this version and the scaling has been simplified:
  image resources now use a single wild-card dpi-independent
  definition that is used for all dpi settings except for the basic
  100% and %125 magnifications. If you really have to adjust these
  two settings modify the new configuration scripts from scratch
  (perhaps put it in your Private.ini).

As for the rest of old configurations: if you load them as they are
you will miss on many/ most new features. Import and load them one
by one (only if you miss some old appearance or feature) and then
decide what you really want. For advanced users this is an
opportunity to put most of their customizations in Private.ini
(using *-sections whenever possible) and include a comment marking
your changes and the reasons for making them. This will
considerably simplify future upgrades and maintenance...

Here is a summary of changes and new features in WinEdt 11:

- WinEdtPDF: WinEdt now comes with its own PDF Viewer (installed
and enabled by default -- that's why the download is somewhat
larger than the previous versions). In Execution Modes Dialog you
can make changes if you want to use Adobe or SumatraPDF (just like
before). In WinEdtPDF you can read a short (10 pages) illustrated
manual (Help Menu) to learn how to use it and what are the future
plans regarding its development. Give it a try (a lot of work went
into it)!

- Options Menu now contains a new Dictionary Manager Dialog. It
allows you to download, install, and enable (most of the) available
extra dictionaries from WinEdt.org with a click on a button.
Windows powershell is used to transparently fetch and unzip the
required files from the internet. This should simplify the task of
installing extra dictionaries for most users. Advanced users can
still use Private.ini to manage such settings (or take a look at
the macros that do the job of downloading and unzipping).

- BibTeX / Biber solution:

WinEdt now has a single menu item and toolbar button that
automatically executes the "right" BibTeX accessory (even
bibtex8.exe is detected with biblatex package). Read below for more
details... I could not create a realistic situation when this
detection fails but pragma comments can be used to overwrite
auto-detection (if needed).

- Major additions to the Execution Modes and TeX Compilation

New Compile option:

  - Automatically terminate application that is already running in
  WinEdt Console before starting a new compile...

  - A button to switch between LaTeX and Latex-Dev

Tex System:

The option to Maintain MiKTeX as administrator has been removed.
You can switch in admin mode inside the MiKTeX Console (if
applicable). Most users now install MiKTeX on per-user basis (as
recommended by MiKTeX's Installer) and an attempt to start it as
admin would fail anyway...

New TeX Options:

  - Use --include-directive when %P<>%O
  - Quick TeXify (= do not start with BibTeX and MakeIndex)
  - Auto-detect BibTeX / Biber executable
  - Use pragma comments for TeX  Accessories

- Compilation macros for TeX accessories have been significantly
improved and they now consistently allow powerful pragma comments
to customize the compilation on per-document basis. It is easy to
tell WinEdt if it should use Biber or BibTeX (in most cases
auto-detection will do) or if it should use xindy.exe or
makeindex.exe (with different switches) and much more...

Settings in the Execution Modes should reflect your common
preferences. However, if you encounter a document with different
needs it is easy to overwrite the defaults without making changes
to the execution modes definitions or defining more menu items and
toolbar buttons. For example, a pragma comment:

 % !BIB program = biber

will guarantee that WinEdt will process your bibliography with
biber (even if bibtex or bibtex8 is your default application). In
the case of BibTeX auto-detect (enabled by default) will do the
same without any extra comments. This particular pragma comment was
already available for the Compile macro in WinEdt 10. Now it works
consistently with all compilers ([PDF]TeXify, BibTeX).


 % !IND exe = xindy.exe
 % !IND opt = -L english -I xindy

replaces the default MakeIndex with xindy.

If you need to compile your document with restrict-write18 option:

 % !TEX+ ext = --restrict-write18

appends this switch to all TeX and LaTeX compilers while

 % !PDFLaTeX ext = --restrict-write18

applies it only to PDFLaTeX...

You can also change PDFTeXify behavior to use TeXify ->
dvi->ps->pdf conversion with latex as TeX engine:

  % !PDFTeXify method = ps
  % !TeXify engine = latex
  % !Max Iterations = 2

and so on...

Pragma comments have to be placed at the beginning of a line AND
they must be present within the first 99 lines of your preamble...

Using a few pragma comments eliminates the need to create numerous
menu items, shortcuts, or a "sea" of toolbar buttons to achieve the
required flexibility with universal compile (F9)...

If you prefer different commands (menu items) as provided by
LaTeXify package you may have to disable some of this functionality
in the Execution Modes Dialog as it will interfere with such
preferences. But before you do so give the new settings a chance
and you may change your mind about restoring multiple (too many!)
menu items as an interface of your choice!

- To allow these changes new macros that lock and restore Local
[%$('Var');] and Environment [%@('Var');] Variables within a macro
script have been introduced:

  LockEnvVar("Environmental Variable");
  LockVar("Local Variable");
  UnlockEnvVar("Environmental Variable", restore_value,remove_lock: 0..1);
  UnlockVar("Local Variable", restore_value,remove_lock: 0..1));

In most cases it is not necessary to use unlock since the values
are automatically restored after the macro script has finished.
Locking only applies within a macro script and unlock and remove is
automatically executed after the macro script exit handler is
done... This turned out the desired behavior in tex compiler macros
(especially if the compilation is cancelled due to errors). In
older versions things could go wrong if the compilation was
cancelled and variables containing redirected executables or
parameters were messed up.

- Cancel macro has an extra 0/1 parameter:

  Cancel(terminate_console: 0..1);

It attempts to "softly" terminate the application that is running
in WinEdt console. If this fails a brutal kill is applied (but this
can lead to corrupted output files and Erase Working Files may have
to be used before the next compilation). For most TeX Compilers
this option has the desired effect and you no longer have to
manually kill the console application after you encounter and fix
errors in your sources. Recompile will work fine for TeX
accessaries in most cases.

- Log file processing for errors and warnings now allows a
"filtered view" where only the relevant information pertaining to
errors and warnings is presented in the list. The first button in
Error form's toolbar can be used to toggle between filtered view
and full (verbose) log file as produced by TeX. Many users will
appreciate the filtered view (it was a frequent feature request).
It now possible to filter out Bad Boxes as well as other Warnings.

Two new properties have been introduced for Errors.ini to determine
the initial values of the new properties:




now allow an extra optional parameter Error_Type: 0..7. When
non-zero WinEdt returns the specified values without extra parsing
of the log file (making the macros much faster). Error_Type Binary
Flags Values (can be combined):

  $$000 - Parse the log file as specified by other parameters
          (compatible with the previous functionality)
  $$001 - Use Internal Error Counter
  $$010 - Use Internal Warning Counter
  $$100 - Use Internal Bad Boxes Counter

Default compilation macros take advantage of this functionality...

- Loading large log files (10000+ lines) is now much(!!!) faster
due to some internal optimizations.

- Many users are misusing the document tab control to display many
rows of tabs (for too many opened documents). Some eventually
experience refresh oddities and a corrupted tab control that has to
be hidden and shown again through the View menu in order to fix its
appearance. A part of the problem is that certain tabs have an
image associated with them (e.g. modified documents) and others do
not. This can result in frequent resizing when documents are saved
or (externally) modified as the number of rows can change depending
on the presence or absence of images (eventually resulting in a
corrupted tab control). Once the second row of tabs is getting full
it is time to close some documents!

WinEdt has a new option CUSTOM_DRAW for document tabs. Custom draw
is required in order to allow custom colors for background and
text. It works very well and it is user-customizable...

Default settings have been changed and ALL document tabs are using
an image. Status images (e.g. readonly or locked document) have a
priority. For other documents a generic image associated with the
document mode is used, and as a last resort a blank image is
assigned to "unknown" documents. Modified documents are marked by
the background and text color but do not change the icon. There is
no more resizing of tabs that caused refresh oddities. One can also
disable images or introduce the old behavior (not recommended but
some users may want to do that).

Background and text colors are also used to highlight the active or
hot (under the cursor) tab which is hard to spot if tabs are drawn
by Windows (on Windows 11 they all look almost the same).

When the mouse cursor is placed over a tab icon the image changes
to a close (X) button. Clicking on it closes a document. This
function was a common request and it has now been implemented
without making tabs wider or resizing the control. This, too, can
be customized or disabled (and it requires CUSTOM_DRAW=1)!

[DOCUMENT_TABS] configuration now has many new properties to
accommodate the new functionality. Old document tabs settings can
(but should really not) be imported into the new version!

Some users may not like this change in the default settings. It is
easy to comment out extra images at the end of the [DOCUMENT_TABS]
configuration section (just follow the instruction in the
comments). Custom Drawing can be disabled by right clicking on any
tab and unchecking the option in the popup menu.

  HINT: for users with 100 (or so) opened documents this control is
  not a good way to navigate through them (it is impossible to find a
  document in too many rows of tabs which were not designed for this
  kind of use). Consider a single-line document tab control and then
  use a Document List (F2) to navigate through a sea of opened
  documents. A better interface is a good idea for such users...

The Document List dialog now contains a separate column for
filetypes. Clicking on the "Type" header sorts the list according
to filetypes. This can sometimes come handy for users that have
plenty of mixed documents opened...

It is also possible to make multiple selections to close a set
documents or move a group of tabs to the beginning or end of a tab
control with a single action.

The popup menu in Document Tabs now has an extra item to close all
documents except the one that has been right-clicked... Also a
close button drop-down menu in the Project Tree interface has a new
item to close All documents that are not related to the project
(are not included in the project tree).

These features should make managing many opened documents easier
(rather than fighting with multi-line document tabs that have not
been designed to manage "a sea of" opened documents)...

- New Macro [for consistency sake] (works the same way as other
SetTabs* macros):


- One can now specify [MAIN_MENU**] section which makes it possible
to modify the existing menu item from private settings without
changing the default MainMenu.ini.


The TeX Live Manager definition has changed as of TeX Live 2019.
Rather than modifying the item in the old version of WinEdt it is
now possible to include the following in your private settings:


      CAPTION="TeX Live &Shell"
      // TeX Live >= 2019
      MACRO="Run('tlshell.exe','',0,0,'TeX Live Shell',1,1);"

The new default settings take care of this particular change but
the ability to modify the existing menu items in private settings
might be of some interest to advanced users.

In the Default configuration Help Items for HTML and NSIS are no
longer visible. Putting the following in your private settings will
make them visible:



If you specify a non-existing menu item then from there on all
other items are appended to the menu. Extra menu items can also be
maintained in your Private.ini inside an existing (but by default
invisible) User menu.

This feature is also available for [POPUP_MENUS**].

- I received plenty of complaints that images and buttons are too
small for magnifications greater than 125%. This was indeed the
case as I can now confirm. The default settings have been revised
(and tested on my new QHD display using 300% magnification) for
high-dpi settings. A compromise had to be made, and WinEdt
sometimes uses scaled (slightly lower quality) images depending on
your magnification -- better scaled than too small! In order to
reduce the startup time the scaled images at frequently used sizes
have been included in the new graphic resources (rather than WinEdt
stretching them every time it is started). This is another reason
for the increased size of the downloadable installer.

- Two new properties:

  // Small Toolbars

have been introduced in Images.ini to control the size of buttons
in the Tree interface and other docked forms with toolbars (such as
WinEdt's Console or Options Interface). If absent the previous
behavior is still in place and buttons are automatically resized
depending on the size of assigned images.

- The default [IMAGE_RESOURCES] section (Images.ini) has been
completely rewritten. Users that heavily customized these
properties for their needs can manually import their customized
version that works well for their eyes on their display

- A new macro function to create a new image resource file from the
existing one:

    New_Width,New_Height: 9..999,
    PNGcompression: -1..9, no_scaling: 0/1);

This functionality is hardly needed by the users. The new WinEdt
settings automatically create and save required local image
resources at sizes that are not already included in the defaults.

Extra resources (20, 28, 36, 40) are now included in the default
settings. They were created using this function while others get
automatically created in your local folder if and when needed. They
look good "enough" on high-dpi. Images at 16, 24, 32, and 48 are
defined with high quality vector graphics. They are used whenever
possible but on large magnifications they eventually become too
small and other values have to be considered.

- TeX Symbols (GUI.ini): they were too small for high-dpi displays.
Now they are consistently resized for magnification up to 500%.
They use a single source of bitmaps in %B\Bitmaps\TeXGUI. The new
bitmaps were created at 200% magnification and they are scaled on
spot depending on your magnification. The dimensions (sizes of
buttons) in the [GUI_PAGE_CONTROL] section (GUI.ini) now refer to
the basic 96dpi (100%). This makes it easy to define dpi-aware
magnification values for these symbols in image resources...

It is very easy to make these buttons and images larger or smaller:

  // Used to create the Custom selector values.
  // Do not remove, move or rename this one!
  // Dimensions are scaled to actual dpi...
    DPI=96 // 100%
    // TeX Symbols GUI Page Control settings:
    // Increase or decrease these two values by x if you want
    // buttons and/or images larger or smaller by x%!!!
    // GUI Bitmap sources ...

- The width of the caret and the weight of underlining for
misspelled words are now dpi-aware. In older versions they had to
be manually adjusted or else they became almost invisible at 200+%.
Furthermore, the meaning of the property UNDERLINE_WEIGHT has been
changed as follows:

  UNDERLINE_WEIGHT=0 // 0: dpi-dependent default; 1..9: pen width

The algorithm had to be revised since increasing the weight and
having plenty of misspelled words resulted in sluggish screen
refreshing. The new algorithm is much faster. It interprets the
weight as the width of the pen used to underline misspelled words.

- Toolbars (revised again for the last time): many users complained
that modifying the toolbar (other than perhaps the legacy one) was
too complicated since the alternatives were imported in the
[TOOLBAR] section and they had to be modified in a different
configuration script and then loaded through the default script (I
know, I heard it many times: unnecessarily complicated!!!). Some
users (even advanced ones) had problems modifying their toolbar and
requested assistance with it. This had to be simplified.

There are still predefined alternatives (large/small 1-row or
legacy 2-row) available in Options -> Toolbar menu (just like
before) but they consist of a self-contained [TOOLBAR] section and
they write a single script Toolbar.ini in your local settings. Make
an initial choice and then you can take it from here and proceed
with modifications (commenting out and in is all that is usually
required). Simple is better and most users will find this an

  Good news: if you managed to customize your old toolbar you can
  keep it as is (although it is easy to incorporate your changes
  into the new default settings).

  Not so good news (for some): Contributions from WinEdt.org may
  only be able to automatically add buttons to your toolbar if you
  are using the Large 2-row toolbar. But this is NOT a new issue
  since they only worked with the Legacy Default toolbar in the
  previous versions as well. Of course, toolbars can always be
  modified manually:-)

- The Main Menu has been slightly rearranged. It was not an easy
decision and some users are bound to complain about this change.
Here is the reason:

Many users requested a feature to run WinEdt and PDF Viewer next to
each other on the same display (like TeX Works). One of the
problems with this was that WinEdt menu bar was too long and it got
wrapped in two lines taking extra vertical space and looking out of
place. In order to address this the Tools Menu has been
reorganized. Macros and Accessories menus have been placed there as
submenus. On most screens this solves the problem. The default
toolbar and GUI control now also fits to half-width on reasonably
large displays.

Windows 11 makes it easy to split the display with two apps next to
each other so this issue had to be addressed (especially now that
WinEdt comes with its own PDF Viewer).

  I personally prefer WinEdt and PDF Viewer maximized with Tree or
  Bookmarks navigation aids on the side. I also prefer larger fonts
  that my eyes can handle. However, something had to be done about
  this as many users want to use the display differently and there
  is no point in arguing about it. Now they can...

- Some comments and menu items pertaining to pretty old versions of
MiKTeX and TeX Live have been removed from the MainMenu.ini (too
much clutter in the default menu!). If you miss them you can import
them from the old version. Sometimes less is more!

- Items in WinEdt's Documents -> Samples are now downloaded from
winedt.org if and when required. They have been updated but samples
are no longer a part of the installer.

User-contributions of interesting samples and templates are
welcome! Otherwise the Samples menu item will eventually be

- The same for LaTeX Help e-book (it is downloaded when started for
the first time from the Help Menu). It only takes a few seconds but
it reduces the installer download by a few megabytes and it avoids
problems with system that flag .chm files as a potential threat.

- A similar web functionality is used in the Help Menu: Check for

- ANSI mode for softly wrapped text documents has been renamed to a
more intuitive TEXT mode. Some users were assuming that ANSI mode
has something to do with document code page. *.txt files are now by
default treated in TEXT mode rather than non-standard ASCII mode
(with smart wrapping). Reversing the order of two lines in
Modes.ini will change this:


The reason for the change is that many / most new users expected
WinEdt to treat .txt the same way as Notepad (with soft wrapping).

- The default fixed-width font (as used for TeX documents) has been
changed from Courier New to (a more modern-looking font) Consolas
which looks much better on high-dpi. This can be easily changed in
the Preferences Dialog for those that prefer the old (or some
other) font. Also, changing the font size in the Preferences Dialog
now (by default) affects fonts specified in the Font Schemes
because the font size is (by default) not specified there. This can
be modified easily enough (if required)...

- By default the line number panel is now initially visible for all
documents. The initial visibility can be changed in the Appearance
section of the Preferences Dialog. This property can also be
toggled on per-document basis through the "Line Numbers" item in
the View menu (as was always the case).

- WinEdt can now automatically highlight all instances of a
selected or found word or string. This functionality can be enabled
in the Preferences| Editor Dialog. The [EDITOR_PREFERENCES]
configuration section contains new properties where this
functionality can be tuned:

  // Automatic Highlighting


If automatic highlighting is not desirable (by default it is
disabled) one can still use a new macro to manually activate or
deactivate such selections:

  HighlightAllInstances(SelectionMode: -1..15,
    Persistent,CaseSensitive,WholeWords: -1..1);

Some users were asking for such functionality. Now they have it
(but not in the default settings)...

- The macro

  EraseWorkingFiles("%P;%O","Erase Output Files",0,0,0);

now has an extra parameter Async: 0/1. When set to 1 the action is
executed in its own thread. This can come handy if there are plenty
of files to be processed and one does not want to block the main
thread and possibly end up with a "not-responding" caption while
WinEdt is scanning directories for files to be deleted. The default
settings do not use this option but users that are experiencing
delays with this function can modify the macro Erase Working
Files.edt (especially when using the "invisible / background"
version of the command)...

- Autosaving now (by default) saves the modified files (rather than
making a .sav instance of a file in a designated folder). Most
users find this behavior more intuitive. And for others: this can
be changed in the Preferences Dialog.

Backup, however, still uses a designated folder (out of sight until
you need them) where more than one backup copy is kept -- like
before. You can right-click on a document tab to open a readonly
copy of the last .bak file (if it exists). If you then start the
explorer in the same folder you'll be able to find additional
(older) backup instances. This can save you from having a (really)
bad day!

- Active Strings (and Input Directives) provide a custom response
for double-clicks. Thus it is not possible to use the standard
"select word" functionality for such strings. For example:


There is now a global [ACTIVE_STRINGS] property:

  // -1 - execute only if CTRL is not down
  //  0 - execute regardless of CTRL Key
  // +1 - execute only if CTRL is down

This makes it possible to get the default (select word) response or
an active string handler depending on the CTRL key modifier...

- WinEdt now (by default) processes tex files that are included in
the preamble with \input(foo.tex} for definitions of custom
commands used by auto-completion. The event handler Dynamic
Dictionaries (DynDict.edt available in the advanced section of the
Options Interface| Event Handlers) had to be modified accordingly.
To qualify the included file name the same way as WinEdt's tree
control the macro SearchForFile now has two new parameters.
Filetype list and Use_Tree: 0..1. For example (used in DynDict):


- It is now possible to specify a special symbol ">" in the
fallback font specifications for Unicode text in the [UNICODE]
configuration section:

  If the fallback font name ends with > and you are using a fixed
  pitch primary font (such as Courier New or Consolas) then the
  character width is adjusted to a multiple of the primary font
  character width. This ensures proper alignment in mixed text
  which is important for code editing.

The default settings use this property for CJK fallback fonts. The
following example was not properly aligned in the older versions of
WinEdt (when a fixed width font is used as a primary font):

    Columns   & onecolumn \\
              & twocolumn \\
    分栏设置  & onecolumn \\

Now it is properly aligned thanks to the new fallback font settings
for CJK in Unicode.ini.

- The new versions of Adobe DC update the registry with the
required DDE service and topic (for how long?). WinEdt's PDF
detection macros have been modified accordingly (and so has the PDF
section of the Execution Modes Dialog). This will simplify things
for those that use Adobe as a working previewer for pdf files
compiled with TeX and WinEdt... Some legacy (not exactly clean)
code (that no longer worked as of Adobe 9) has been removed from
pdf macros. PDF and compile macros now handle the situation with
locked pdf files better and give you a chance to manually close a
document if everything else fails. In older versions it was
possible that a newly compiled pdf file could not be copied over
the locked old one when TeXAux folder was used. WinEdt now issues a
warning about this (in older versions the old pdf file persisted
without any warning -- which could be confusing and frustrating to
say the least).

- Known Adobe issues (again):

  While testing, I noticed the following: DDE (an old and now deemed
  obsolete method of communication between applications) does not
  support Unicode and Adobe does not understand UTF8 strings in its
  DDE macros. Consequently, if your file (or path) contains proper
  Unicode characters (other than those that fit in your default
  code page) it is impossible to tell Adobe to release the PDF
  document. There is no solution other than manually closing it in
  such cases...

  Unicode restrictions (in the path specification) also apply when
  using the TeXAux folder with TeX Live configuration (it is not
  using a unicode version of environment variables!).
  MiKTeX, on the other hand, can handle unicode in this case...

- New Macros (used in PDF Search.edt macro):

 GetSyncForwardSearchInfo("SrcFilename.tex","CurrFile", CurrLine: #0,
     "PageVar Left,Top,Right,Bottom",Digits: 0..9, "Optional Unit or Factor");

     "SrcFileVar SrcLineVar","Optional Unit or Factor");

They replace old:


The new macros are much faster and better. The old ones (with too
many parameters) have been removed. WinEdt now uses the same
SyncTeX parsing algorithm as the new WinEdtPDF previewer. WinEdt
can now also handle the compressed synctex files (.synctex.gz)
produced by --synctex=1 (rather than --synctex=-1) switch.


// Testing SyncTeX macros:
// =======================

  Prompt(|Page  --  L,T,R,B: %$(!'SYNC_page');  --  |+>
         |%$(!'SYNC_l');,%$(!'SYNC_t');,%$(!'SYNC_r'); %$(!'SYNC_b');|);
    "%$(!'SYNC_l');", "%$(!'SYNC_t');",>
  Prompt(|File: "%$(!'SYNC_srcFile');"%\Line: %$(!'SYNC_srcLine');|);

- WinEdt now responds to horizontal scroll wheel (or touchpad)
message and preforms horizontal scrolling (when applicable).

- A few minor changes to the default configuration scripts and
macros with minimal-to-no impact for most users...

- It is now safe to use [SWITCHES*] in configuration files. A bug
that made this (very!) problematic has been fixed for this

- A few (mostly minor) bug fixes and suggestions as communicated by
affected users have been addressed...

- A few typos and grammar mistakes in the comments of the
configuration files and documentation have been fixed (thanks to
Thomas who reported a long list of them)...

- A few optimizations and performance improvements were
implemented. Some clean code was imported from the new WinEdtPDF
replacing the legacy code (accumulated over decades) in WinEdt's


WinEdt 10 [Build 20180507 (v. 10.3)]

(see History)...
